Weak Devotion

Blog fam! I pray all is well with you since my last post. A couple of days ago I woke up and went about my daily routine: I picked up my phone, unlocked it and checked all of my social media apps. Then I decided to research a particular scripture that I’d been stuck on for weeks. Even though the revelation I got from the scripture was great, what I heard next floored me. I heard the Lord say, “weak devotion”.

Weak is defined as inadequate, poor, feeble or defective. While devotion is defined as love, loyalty or enthusiasm. I was shocked that two words on opposite ends of the spectrum were put together to describe my life as a Christian. I’m a worker in my local church and do my absolute best to live a life pleasing in the sight of God but my devotion has been inadequate.

As believers, we often take God’s goodness for granted. We take God for granted by settling for our Sunday worship experience and failing to keep him first throughout our busy work week. We’ve become accustomed to his grace and mercy because he chooses to be good to us. While we may be workers in ministry, we cannot miss our personal time with God. My morning wasn’t necessarily perfect, but it flowed so much better because I spent time with the Lord. I believe God wants to reveal the mysteries of his word to us but we have to be willing to slow down and seek him. The Bible says in ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:15:

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

We will know and do better by spending that one on one time with God. There are thousands of things going on around us to take our attention. Make the choice to put those things off and spend a few extra minutes in God’s word and in prayer. You can only get out what you put in.

God, we thank you for being mindful of us even when we take it for granted. As we spend more and more time with you reveal yourself to us in new ways. Show us the mysteries of your word and teach us to live a life that’s truly pleasing in your sight. Help us to be patient and discern your voice and cancel out the noise. All these things we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Be blessed blog fam!
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2 thoughts on “Weak Devotion

  1. Want to know what’s ironic? This confirmed a prayer that I prayed literally last night. I was reading my Bible but I realized as I was reading I was so tired and I wasn’t retaining anything. I was just reading because I make it a point to read my Bible everyday and last night it was more out of habit and about just getting it done than it was about me truly trying to study and get something from God. So mid reading I had to stop and pray on my devotion to reading and my studying and on not just reading to say “I read my Bible today” but reading to actually spend time with God and hear from him! Sorry I know this is long lol but I really got excited when I read this. Seriously right on time. Thank you!

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